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Great Protestant Church in Marshall Mn 56258
Staff & Volunteers
We're Here to Help
God has given each of us different gifts and talents which we are all able to use for His glory; with His help many people in our church family are putting those things to use by volunteering their time, money, and energy to help keep our church family healthy & growing! Most all of them are people just like you, so if you are at all interested in getting plugged in to a team where you can teach children, plan events, make food, hang out with college students, serve coffee, facilitate a Bible study or anything in between - please talk to one of our staff or volunteers! You can also enter your contact info in our volunteer interest card, and someone will contact you in the next couple days to answer any questions you might have!
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Tommy FloresDeacon | Dean BaderDeacon | Wendy VanderKooiDeaconess | Dave WestElder | Dave SckelkophElder | Caleb RoselandElder |
Loic DahDeacon | Cindy BaderDeaconess | Shelly PflaumDeaconess | Halie SpeiserDeaconess | Katie HortonDeaconess | Cheryl FrieseDeaconess |
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Join The Team
We have many people who love being on our volunteer teams. If you are even the slight bit interested in joining something like that and would like someone to talk to and ask more questions, our staff & volunteer team would absolutely LOVE to chat! Just fill out the interest sheet below or shoot one of our staff an email, and we will follow up with you in the next couple days!
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