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Marshall Efree Church Logo

Is this different than our Sunday morning page?

At Marshall Efree, our Sunday morning focus is on biblical teaching, worship in music, and family fellowship.
Our teaching is not surface level. It will be challenging and not always rainbows and butterflies. We believe in sticking to the bible even if that means tackling the subjects that sometimes other churches choose to avoid. We often choose to go through a book of a bible, and once in a while will choose a special topic.
Our teaching is not surface level. It will be challenging and not always rainbows and butterflies. We believe in sticking to the bible even if that means tackling the subjects that sometimes other churches choose to avoid. We often choose to go through a book of a bible, and once in a while will choose a special topic.
Our teaching is not surface level. It will be challenging and not always rainbows and butterflies. We believe in sticking to the bible even if that means tackling the subjects that sometimes other churches choose to avoid. We often choose to go through a book of a bible, and once in a while will choose a special topic.

Typical Sunday Morning Flow

Fellowship time

Announcements & Worship in Song

Closing Song & Prayer

Special Prayer Time (after service)
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